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Top 10 online resources to help teachers plan a lesson

  • Publish Date: Posted about 5 years ago
  • Author: Dunbar Education

In this day and age, a Teacher has to be very resourceful and innovative in ways of communicating lessons to their students. Since the Pandemic has changed the ways in how we are communicating and also discovering information, we've made a list of online resources that can aid you in delivery first class lessons.


  1.’s 5-Minute Lesson Plan

This very popular resource is designed to speed up the lesson planning process and is just as easy to use on a handheld device as it is on desktop. TeacherToolkit released a new version of their tool in January 2019. To date, the 5-Minute Lesson Plan is said to have been through 12 translations and used in over 140 countries. You don’t need to be a maths teacher to know that’s over two-thirds of the world!’s 5-minute lesson plan is great for… the time-stretched teacher. 

  1. Get Revising’s revision tool archive

The UK has an exam-driven, results-focused education system and so it’s likely that you’ll need to write a revision lesson plan at some point. With more than 170,000 GCSE resources alone, Get Revising is a great place to start your research. Helpfully, you can filter through the resources by subject, examining body and curriculum area to get a plan that perfectly suits the needs of your class.

Get Revising’s resources are great for… teachers planning their lessons at the end of term.

  1. Mr Barton Maths Podcast

Bolton-based Mr Barton started his website a decade ago to get everybody ‘enjoying their maths a bit more’. His supporting podcast series kicks off with an explanation of the maths teacher’s career history. More recently the show has become more diverse in its topics. Find out more about Mr Barton Maths podcast, or visit his blog if you’re looking to plan a series of great lessons.

Mr Barton Maths Podcast is great for… teachers who are interested in maths lessons.

  1. Parliament’s resources and lesson plans

Politics is an especially hot topic in the UK at the moment given all of the uncertainty around Brexit. That means now is a great time to introduce primary school students to how the UK Parliament works. These resources, which include fully illustrated PowerPoint slides and activities, explore topics such as the House of Commons, the House of Lords, Elections and Voting, Debating, and How Laws are Made.

Parliament’s teaching resources are great for… teaching the next generation of politicians 

  1. BBC’s Teach resources

Being a new teacher in the UK can be an exciting time, but it’s not going to be without its stresses and strains at times. It’s really important to look after your personal wellbeing, meaning this teacher support from the BBC could be really valuable to overseas teachers. The articles and videos could help you be aware of, and get through, some of the pressures of the school year.

BBC’s Teach resources are great for… looking after your own wellbeing

  1. Codecreated’s online resources

Codecreated is behind a useful initiative which can help pupils and teachers get to grips with the basics of computer programming. In addition to delivering live coding workshops for primary and secondary school pupils, the organisation has a range of resources to help teachers. Find out more about Codecreated, including how to get in touch for a free consultation at your school.

Codecreated’s online resources are great for… helping kids get to grips with the basic of coding

  1. BookWidget’s Fake News lesson plans

Bookwidget has developed a super handy guide – aimed at secondary school students – which introduces the topics of fact-checking and fake news. Check out their comprehensive resource, which includes10 fact-checking tips for students and links to a couple of fake news generator tools.

BookWidget’s lesson plans are great for… helping students to think critically

  1. Place2Be’s school resources

The children’s mental health charity has developed a wide range of materials to help schools understand, raise awareness of, and support, young people’s mental health. One paid-for resource, called Fink Cards, encourages pupils to have discussions about their emotional wellbeing. Each pack comes with teachers’ notes.

Place2Be’s school resources are great for… encouraging young people to open up about mental health

  1. Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) Secondary Resources

In the era of social media, and GDPR regulation, issues around data protection and freedom of information are topics which students need to know about. The ICO has put together a range of materials on information rights and they’re grouped into four main topics:

  • Strictly private? What is personal data?

  • Private versus public

  • Is there something I should know? Exercising our rights

  • No secrets? Freedom of information

ICO’s Secondary Resources are great for… teaching young people about their data rights and responsibilities 

  1. National Geographic’s Classroom Resources

This trusted global brand offers a suite of free lessons – suitable for primary school-aged pupils – which are broken down into a series of activities, lessons and units. Most of the activities can be undertaken in one class, while a full lesson could take up to a week of class time. Some of the awesome content here includes ‘Getting started with Google Earth’ and a resource titled ‘Plastic Pollution’.