With the variety and change that is surrounded in Supply Teaching, we want to ensure you are ready for the sudden arrival of September. Here is how working with a teaching agency can offer you.
![Supply Teaching](http://dunbareducation.makeitgreater.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Supply-Teaching.jpg)
As the worldwide pandemic has created uncertainty for us all, the effect it has had within the education system and to supply teaching is huge for both students and staff. As the world of education is set to return to a different way of working with a fresh set of curriculums this September, many members of the support staff have mixed feelings on this. Some will welcome the opportunity to get back to what they love doing, but this may not feel comfortable for all.
Is there still a place for Supply Teaching?
Even with the sudden change of the Coronavirus pandemic – those who choose to be a Supply Teacher have not altered their values of helping and supporting schools that need it most. The importance that children return to the classroom is vital as the “time out of school is detrimental to children’s cognitive and academic development.” This will create a beneficial path for Teaching Assistants and Supply Teaching.
With the new way of working for schools this September, Teachers and Support Staff will need to ensure that children and young peoples’ well-being are being looked after – more so now than ever. It is going to be an unsettling time with anxiety at a rise, so encouragement to speak out with how children are feeling is advised and should be paid extra attention.
With the uncertainty whether Supply Teaching will still be available as schools are wanting to ensure the risk of transmission of the coronavirus is at a minimum, The Department of Education (DfE) has announced that Temporary Teaching Staff can still transfer between schools as long as the correct safety procedures are being adhered to.
Some may think that this is unsafe and increasing the risk of the spread of the virus, however, the DfE has made the decision after much thought and discussion with the intention to make the new term feel as natural as possible. This also allows those who specialise in supply teaching to return to work and return to their careers.
Return to School
Some schools will be encouraging the Test and Trace method which will monitor the virus and whether it is traceable within the school. That way, observations on particular year groups and departments can be planned individually, minimising the risk of whole school closures.
All schools will have a contingency in place with hygiene guidelines which all members of staff running through the school will need to follow.
Dr David Nabarro – the World Health Organization’s special envoy on Covid-19 has commented on Britain returning to school, he said “Britain will do really well” because there is “really good attention to where the virus is, locally” and a lot of “public engagement in getting on top of it.”
How can we support you?
This is positive encouragement for staff who are nervous about returning to school environments, as the time away from the classroom is understandably a nerve-wracking change in routine. However, we do understand the reasonable feeling for anxiousness within your own well-being and the pressures of also worrying about those of the students and children.
If you do need any support or advice, Education Support is a UK charity focusing on improving the health and wellbeing of Teachers and they have created this information pack for Supply Teachers.
The members of our team have also successfully completed a COVID-19 Awareness Course and gained certification. If this is something you would like to complete to take to your next place of work or you would like to feel more comfortable with your knowledge surrounding the virus, here is a helpful link to complete the course yourself. It is completely free and it also provides helpful links and information to read through!
Finding your next role
If you are a Supply Teacher, we are sure you have had experience in working with agencies in the past. Here at Dunbar Education, we believe it is essential for Supply Teachers to work with agencies to find the perfect roles that cater to your needs. In an already stressful time, why not alleviate some stress? Looking for work is a time-consuming task and feels like a ‘job’ in itself. With the current climate – everyone is doing the same and unemployment is at an all-time high.
With our dedicated consultants who have built everlasting relationships with their schools, they have all the relevant information and guidance to make you feel as safe as possible moving into your next role. They also ensure that they are working with YOU, getting to knowYOU to fulfil YOUR individual career needs. Whether that is looking for your next role with breaks in-between or moving from placement to placement.
As an ear to listen to your concerns or that constant communication with relevant information about the school you will be placed in, our consultants are here to listen with genuine care and attention.
With safeguarding and DBS advice and support through the whole process – why not register today and experience the expert guidance yourself.