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Teacher or Juggler?

  • Publish Date: Posted about 4 years ago
  • Author: @thelifeofteaching_

Nearly a full month complete in my new role as Head of Department. Learning on the spot, dealing with last minute changes, leading a team of 25 non specialists during a global pandemic and two virtual open evenings. You could say it’s been a busy month! I wanted to share my learning experience as a new teacher taking on a leadership role in my third year of teaching.

I don’t know if you ever feel fully ready taking on another role within teaching, I suppose we are used to winging it on a daily when life gets a little on top of us. But this experience has introduced me to the highs and lows of leading a team.

Go for it!

I firstly want to remind you that when positions come up within your school and you have even just a small urge to apply, do! The experience you can gain from writing an application and answering internal interview questions is a skill you won’t learn without applying.

You will always be successful even if you don’t get the post because you have successfully learnt new skills!

In my NQT year I applied for numerous leadership roles. Applying shows your passion and drive to develop further as a professional.
I have made a personal promise to myself: to ensure teaching and planning my lessons remain at the forefront of my agenda. I have already noticed extra jobs, and my To Do List expanding but the thing is, this list doesn’t decrease you merely find other ways to fill it. I remind myself of this to to ensure I plan and teach effective and worthwhile lessons first and foremost.


I would be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying the opportunity to share my love and passion for the subject. There is so much joy that comes with supporting other teachers and ensuring they are happy. But I won’t lie, sometimes I am not sure whether I am a teacher or a juggler?

Juggling the responsibility, juggling SLT expectations and juggling my own classroom teaching can sometimes feel a little overwhelming.

However that feeling of helping a team member is so worthwhile!

What have I enjoyed most?

Sharing my love for the subject has been amazing. Having a vision, trusting a vision and delivering that vision is an incredible feeling! Even if the vision involves some juggling!

Jenna ‘the juggler’ Duffy

If you would like to get into teaching, why not contact Dunbar Education who would be happy to offer advice.