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Be the Best – Why you should get involved in extracurricular activities!

  • Publish Date: Posted about 3 years ago
  • Author: Leah Baker

​It is also a great opportunity for social experience as well as academic, for students to bond through similar interests - this is so encouraging when young people are partaking through choice.

Do you think it is important for teachers to take part in extracurricular activities?

The out-of-hours contribution can have positive impacts. But how can schools do this without pressurising and overburdening already busy staff?

Read ahead… Dunbar has provided these 5 suggestions for why you should get involved in extracurricular activities.

Make it fun!

As said above, this extracurricular period is a prime time for students to integrate and socialise in a way they may not get the chance to in the classroom/ school day.

It can support children who are struggling with social situations and takes the pressure away from the ‘hierarchy’ which happens with every school experience.

This can prevent bullying and allow students to feel safe. It can support working parents and provide a ‘safe place’ for students with difficult home lives.

So why should it always be curriculum based?

Of course, any group that support learning is beneficial – but why not make it fun? After-school clubs can be creative and incorporate students interests such as gaming, music, film, etc.

Find a hobby or subject that is popular throughout the year group and encourage students to get involved.

Are you passionate about something? Maybe it’s an eco-club which encourages how we can look after our planet - which will also provide helpful knowledge to these children and their surroundings for their future.

Maybe it is a skill that you have found useful since leaving school which is important in life that children do not always get the chance to learn in school – like budgeting, business, or marketing etc.

Get locals involved.

Why not get local business involved!

The school and local communities can support each other to provide insight which will motivate and encourage students to think about their future without exams. This will also take away the pressures of all this information being bombarded towards the end of their school career.

Why not start early and encourage from primary age?

Speaking with volunteers, business minded people or creatives can be aspiring for young minds and allow them to discover skills that they may not realise they have. Not everyone is naturally ‘academic’ but have other strong skill sets which can flourish in these groups.  This will boost self-esteem as they can learn in a structured environment that is not a formal one like the classroom.

This is also an opportunity to discover how particular students learn which you can bring into the classroom and incorporate into your lesson planning.

All of the above will provide character building opportunities and social skills which is vital for development.

Ensure you are safe!

Once again, this extra paperwork may kind of spoil the fun for the teacher/staff organising it – but the satisfaction of the above and seeing the motivation in your students will make it all worth it!

We encourage you to keep in mind the positive impact you are having in your students lives– you never know, you could be that teacher an adult will always thank for their achievements for inspiring them in their younger years!

Safeguarding is the biggest factor to remember and get right!

So ensure DBS checks are completed before any external people enter and work with the children and make sure the students are not left alone with any external volunteers.

FYI – DBS checks are not cheap, so ensure you are following the school policy as the school will not be able to pay for every external ‘coach’ that may come in for one-off sessions.

Why not get senior or ex-students involved?

A role model can be anyone! And if you have a senior student, or even an ex-pupil who has been inspiring during their time at the school/once they have left, get them involved -  who is a better role model than your peers?

This encourages and shows students that anything is possible. It makes it more personal as it is much closer to home and relatable so doesn't feel too 'extracurricular'.

If the students are still in school, it provides them great experience to manage teams or ‘public speaking’.

Include everyone!

Get the whole school involved! All teachers, support staff, SLT’s! (SLT Blog) The school should be a community with no hierarchy of status.

This will encourage students AND staff to feel that sense of ‘family’. It takes the pressure away from teachers and provides different personalities – this is also a change for the students.

‘Sports day’ should not be the only whole-school involved events. Other occasions should be encouraged to support all interests. Healthy competitive culture can provide a sense of achievement which supports development and gives students responsibility.

Signing up to sites like Twinkl provides lots of ideas for school extracurricular activities.

If you are looking for your next dream teaching role, why not let Dunbar Education help you today! Our dedicated consultants are there to listen to your needs to support you in finding the perfect match.